Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Powerful Deep Thoughts...

I have been having a lot of deep thoughts roll around in my head as of late (trust me it's scary in there!) I don't know if it's because of this whole new mission experience or dad's job loss or grandpa dying. I think it's a combination of everything together. It's all had me reflecting on a talk I heard Andy Horton give on his "After Graduation" CD. I happen to own a copy of the book and am now so grateful I have it. He talks about the concept of "time" and uses a few scriptural references to back it up (Abraham 3:4 and 2Peter 3:8.) It's still an unknown for sure but I think the whole idea behind it is very powerful and I thought I'd share it here. We have heard that 1,000 years for us here on earth is equal to about a day in the Lord's time. Bro. Horton did that math and figured out a few things:
*42 earth years is 1 hour Lord's time
*1 earth year is 1.44 minutes of Lord's time
*1 day is .24 seconds
*1 Hour is .01 seconds
You get the idea right? So if we lived to the average life expectancy age of 75 then we leave this earth a mere 1 hour and 48 minutes old. Not much in the GRAND scheme of things eh? He did some other calculations that I think are so fascinating:
*You will be 26 minutes old when you graduate HS
*HS lasts 5.76 minutes
*You will be a teenager for 10.08 minutes
*You will spend less than 15 seconds in the MTC
*A 2 year mission lasts 2 minutes and 53 seconds.
*Not serving a mission will last forever.
*The most important thing that any member of the church ever does in this world, which is to "marry the right person, in the right place, by the right authority" will take about .01 seconds.
*You can earn a 4 year college degree in about 6 minutes, 10-12 minutes if you want to be a doctor or lawyer.

Brother Horton goes on to quote Elder Robert D. Hales, "There is a time and season for all of our decisions. Make sure you make decisions in the proper time and season. All of these life-altering decisions will be made in a very busy, relatively short period during your 20's...the decade of decision." He goes on to say, "Many of the decisions you make or don't make will have eternal consequences."

Brother Horton shared this, "If 2 thousand years to us is only two days to the Lord, then it was just over 2 days ago that our Lord and Savior "suffered so much pain, indescribable anguish, and overpowering torture for our sake. It was only 2 days ago that He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He took upon Himself all the sins of all other mortals which caused Him to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit. Since the Atonement was so recent to the Savior and Heavenly Father, we can be sure that they can truly relate to the temptations, trials, pains, and pressures we experience daily. Maybe this will increase our faith as we pray each day and night that they will "ease our burdens which are put upon our shoulders" so that we will know "of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions" (Mosiah 24:14)."

President Brigham Young once stated, "It was revealed to me in the commencement of the Church, that the Church would spread, prosper, grow, and extend, and that in proportion to the spread of the gospel among the nations of the world so would the power of Satan rise." This is an exciting and yet terrifying statement. I hope we are all worthy of the task ahead of us as we raise the kids we have. After all, we only get roughly 1 hour and 48 minutes (unless you are a Profaizer or Hendricks and you might get a few added minutes.) LOL!

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