Thursday, October 6, 2011

Special Letter from Elder Colton Abplanalp

Hermano y Hermana Profaizer,
Hola, here from Honduras! I just finished writing Matthew a letter and thought I should write you guys also.
The mission is going very very well, I've learned so much in the mission and I'm so grateful for that. We've been having really amazing success in our area. I've been so grateful to the Lord and how much he's blessed us. It's been a huge testimony builder for me and I've come to see when your diligent and obedient, you see the help of the Holy Ghost around you so much more. This people is so amazing. Makes me regret how for 19 years of my life I took it for granted and didn't think it was important or couldn't help me in anyway. For that reason, I came on the mission, not just to change the life of others but also my own.
There is so many things I need to thank you guys for...I wanna thank you for being my second family and for always being there for me. I wanna thank Brother Profaizer for always being there everytime me and Matt had questions about anything, he was always there to help us and give answers to our questions. Thank you, Sister Profaizer, for keeping me and Matthew in line always when we needed it, which was alot. Thank you to your whole family for being my second family. I LOVE THEM ALL. I wanna thank Jen for always letting me come visit with Matt and always let us talk and always being there for us. lol. I love your family so much. Last but not least, I sincerely want to thank you so so so much for My Brother, Matthew Hendricks Profaizer. I remember at my farewell when you guys thanked me for being a great example to Matthew and I remember thinking, why are they thanking me? I should be thanking them! Seriously, this is very appropriate to say that Matthew is and has been the biggest blessing for me in my life than any other person. When I think about Matt it's not just my best friend, it's my brother. It's seriously my other half. I miss him so much, and I know that Matt is going to do amazing things in Ecuador! Thank you for letting Matthew be my best Bro in the whole world, and thank you for being the best Second Parents in the whole world. I love you guys with all my heart. I want you to know that you have nothing to thank me about, because your son made Colton Abplanalp the person he is today. Matt's changed my life in so many ways. I cannot write words that describes my gratefulness of Matt. He's seriously my Hero.
I hope your family is doing amazing. You two will be my first visit when I get home so be expecting, please. I love you Brother and Sister Profaizer. Cuidense y Que la bia bien!

Elder Colton Edward Abplanalp
Les Amo Mucho! y Grasias Por Todo Que lo Hacen!!! (I love you guys and thank you for all that you do). ADIOS!

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