Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 17, 2011

Hey everyone:) I'm so happy to hear about my new baby nephew:) Thank you for sending those pictures, I really enjoy seeing them and all that's going on. I miss ya all so much haha. I love hearing from all of you. First off, before I forget I am going to answer dad's question if we felt bad or if we just laughed and I'm ashamed to say, yes we laughed but only because the guy it happened to was a white guy- not American- and he had his girl friend with him and even though that just happened they just started smackin on the side of the road like that just makes everything better haha. Well we went proselyting on Saturday and it was not that successful but I did contribute in teaching a lesson. I'm learning gospel Spanish but I have no idea how to talk just normal talk haha. But I will learn that with time:) Well everyone, I sure miss you all a lot!!!! but I'm doing much better home-sickness wise. I went and talked to the President this morning about my issues with leaving behind work and money and all that and just talking about it helped me so much and he gave me some good advice and I'm over it now. I'm ready to serve even more then before. It's only 2 years then I'm right back and it's been 2 months all ready so I'm set:) I love it out here and I have such great friends and elders around me that help with anything and we are all so tight and talk about everything. This is the best place I could ever be right now in my life. I sent mom and dad a letter today through pouch mail with my whole memory card in it. Please email me as soon as you get it and don't send me one back till I'm already in Ecuador because I wont get it in time before I leave. The count down has started. I have like 5 more days here then it's off to the races I've been training for 2 months and it's time to compete. I am so ready!!!!! I love u all so much:)

****Maybe Dad could comment about what his question was?

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