Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012 - Dear Family

Dear Family,
            Wow, so I got changed out of my sector again.  I’m finally out of Guayaquil and I am SO SO SO Happy. I’m finally out where there are fields and dirt roads.  This will be awesome.  My companion is another newbee. He just has 3 months and he’s from Mexico.  I’m not all that sure about him so far.  He doesn’t stay on task very well, well at least not when we are cleaning the house.  I had to tell him when we get it clean is when we go write letters, haha, and we got it done.  It was so trashed when I got here, just so nasty and dirty.  But, oh well, now it is spic and span.
            I got a ton of Dear Elder letters from you guys and Sarah, wow, I’m so happy to finally hear from you guys.  So you wanted to know about my day to day life.  Well, it’s pretty boring, the same thing everyday relaly, but here we have mamitas for the clothes that clean them and in LaChala our mamita didn’t charge us.  She was the patriarch’s wife.  Her name is Annita, like Anna, but when you put the ita at the end it makes it like little Anna.  It’s hard to explain.  She was so great, but now I’m here and Elder Valenzuela told me the mamita here charges $5.  I’ll go find someone else to do it because that’s a ton of money.  Well, at least for broke missionaries like us.  But here they kill your clothes with bleach and they sometimes lose socks or burn them because dryers suck here. (if there are dryers).  But they always replace them but the replacement socks aren’t quite the quality that the gold toes are.  Like Farrrrr from the quality so if you guys could please send me a few pairs of gold toes.  Socks are golden out here.  I’m still good on garments though.  I really have everything I need here.  I never go without.
            I have a question, how are we going to do the Mother’s Day call thing?  I don’t know when Mothers day is here.  I think it is the 13th so I’m not sure if I call you that day or what…..I’ll let you guys know Monday or I’ll try to do a pre-call thing again.  I’ll probably just call you guys from here because it is five cents a minute to the states from here.  I love you guys lots,  I can’t believe it’s that time again.  I complete a year here pretty soon J  Wow!
            So me and my old comp, Elder Hoskins, we had the best week ever.  Thursday we successfully cooked hamburgers on a fan grill.  They were sooooo good.  Then Friday night, we had to do a skit for the ward talent show.  We lip-synced a song in Spanish that is about a missionary that is leaving on the mission and he has to leave his girl friend. It’s like, I will wait for you and it talks about all that stuff and talks about being sealed in the temple for eternity, haha and stuff like that.  It’s funny because what we did was blew up a HUGE picture of Sarah’s face and made a mask, (hope that is ok, Sarah.  I love you.)  Then Elder Hoskins dressed like a girl with a skirt and I a Dad with street clothes on.  In the song, when he leaves for the mission, I pull of my shirt and I have my white shirt and tag on, and then when the song talks about eternity, I pull of my pants and Hoskins pulls the skirt off and I have my white pants on under and he has a ladies baptism jumper on so we were all in white.  It was great.  I can’t send the video but I have pics I will send.  It was so great.  I’m really gonna miss Hoskins a lot.  We were crazy rednecksJ 
            I love you guys a lot, pray for me in this sector….it’s not a good one.  The missionary before me was trunky and didn’t work very hard so they have no people they are teaching right now.  We will see how it goes…..
                                                                                                Elder Profaizer

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