Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14th

Dear Family! :)

Wow, what is happening. The weeks are flying faster then I can think out here. I forgot that today was p-day again, haha. This week has been great. We have 3 sure baptisms and one reschedule this Saturday if I’m still here. There are changes this week. (I hope I’m here so bad, cuz if I leave, then they don’t count as my baptisms, dang it.) Oh well, haha I’m so happy busy. I don’t know if I’m going to say a lot today cuz I spent a lot of time sending pictures, haha,. I hope you like them. This week has been so crazy fast and this next week will be even faster as we prepare for the noche banco: (white night) This baptism will be so special for them. They are all brothers and sisters. It is so cool. They are all so happyl.

My Spanish is getting tons better every day. It’s like a snowball effect. The more you learn the faster you learn so these last three weeks I feel like I’ve doubled my Spanish. Not so much the vocabulary but just making my sentences flow better and all the conjugations. Today I start my 3rd change. I can’t believe how fast this is going, it gets faster every week. I was thinking the other day about how I haven’t thought about work or cars for so long. I really just wake up in the morning thinking about our people and go to sleep thinking about them and how to help them. It’s so cool to me. Tell Kirby hi for me, and that I hope I have a job when I get home. He was really great to me and taught me a lot about everything from construction to cars to just everything. A lot of basic knowledge and how to think of better quality ways to do things and how to do it more efficiently. I’m so grateful for that job.

I was super excited that Crumps bought out Murdock. That really needed to happen. This is such a blessing for you, Mom. You need to stay there and work through all the bad days cuz you can’t beat working there. You get great hours, good pay and you work with Mormon people also.

Everyone, be so grateful for your blessings. Christmas is coming up and really, they don’t have any traditions that I know of yet. I got a bunch of letters this week though. I was so excited two from you guys and two from Sarah.

I gotta tell you, I have been really trying to use my talents to help people. I had the opportunity to clean family Ponce’s dishes so Elder Shannon could do the interview with the lady because she was running low on time. But that’s not my talent, as I was cleaning, one side of her sink was draining realllllly slow. I thought I’d look at it and just thought, this is so easy, I’ll fix it. So I just threw a giant bowl under it and started screwing stuff and, well long story short, her drain is like new and she was so grateful. Neither she nor her brothers knew how to do it. Something really simple but they appreciated it so much. I felt super good after. Well that’s pretty much all for this week. I love you all so much.


Elder Profaizer

Dear Sarah,

It was super exciting to get 2 letters from you this week. I was soooo happy. I loved them. I can’t write much, we still gotta go shop and eat haha, but you have letters coming every week. I can’t believe that you’re going to Jerusalem in 50 days. I have the day you leave marked on my calendar. Sarah, I love you so much and think about you all the time. Thank you for everything you say in your letters and all your great support. Love you lots. Love, Elder Profaizer

Center of Guayaquil

Me and Elder Shannon

Danny and us, Danny is from the the USA and speak English and Spanish really good. He is super cool.
This is familia Ponce and 4 of them are getting baptized November 19th.
Familia Guzman one of our mamitas for lunch :).
Eating breakfast on the roof, how cool is that.
One the roof of the familia Polits house.
Oh ya know gotta try a new trick.
Me and Elder Inquia, he is in our district.


  1. como asi a subido nuestra foto aqui no puede ser jajaja pero igual no salimos mal mattew se lo ve bien gordo despues de que estaba flaco jajaja aqui come arto arroz
