Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jen's Thoughts

Going to Matthew's setting apart was truly a great experience. I have never been a part of anything like this before and it was so amazing. This whole thing has been amazing. I just can't think of another word that truly describes it. I am so thankful to have been able to be there for all of it. His blessing was wonderful and really encouraged him to study study study. To be humble, patient, obedient to the rules and to study some more. After it was over, the Stake President informed him that he was then a missionary and that he had to always have a companion which was dad. I think Dad got a little choked up about that, I know I did.

We took Jaiden with us and then asked his thoughts on the way home. He had one word....awesome. He's right, it was so cool. I know without a doubt that this whole experience has made an impact on Jaiden's young life. I hope and pray that someday he will do that for Cade who will then do that for Parker, etc. Each boy in this family needs to set an example for the next in line. I pray with all my heart Jaiden will never consider another option and that he will serve his Heavenly Father on a mission.

I have been thinking about what a mission means to me. I don't believe every young man needs to have read the Book of Mormon dozens of times. I don't believe he needs a stellar testimony. I don't believe it's about "what you know" but rather "what you hope to learn" while you are away. I believe the mission field is where all of that comes together and you are able to grow your testimony while growing up at the same time. I think a mission is simply about having faith that you are willing to try and ask when you need help. Asking the Lord when you are scared or nervous or even discouraged...that's what it's all about. In the mean time if you are doing all that you can, the Lord will step in and place people in the path who are ready to hear the Gospel. I think of a mission as a big process. Growing your own testimony which in turn will bring others to the Gospel.

I have a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for his ultimate sacrifice he paid for each of us. I will never be perfect but I don't have to be. I just have to try. That's the message Matthew will be sharing with the people in Ecuador. Come Unto Him. It's just so simple.

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