Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Big Day-For Real!

Oh my goodness....I never thought June 22 would ever come! I am NOT anxious to get him gone, I am anxious for this adventure to begin. I will SO miss Matthew but wow, I am so thankful for him and his willingness to serve. We live in a time where fewer and fewer missionaries are serving. Healthy 19 year boys are choosing not to serve and yet the need for missionaries is the greatest it has been in the history of the world. Not that long ago, men with families would leave for several years to do this. Talk about a HUGE sacrifice. It's only 2 years and yet so many boys just can't pull themselves together and sacrifice a little. Not every boy is worthy anymore either and it's just sad. The fire of missionary work has took hold at our house and I am so excited to see what this experience means for Jaiden. Matthew may not have the strongest testimony yet but he has the fire of faith. He will go, He will do!
Luggage packed, weighed and ready to go!One last goodbye to the Lovell-Littles.
Goodbye to the Crook Crazies (note-Jaiden was having a bad morning, hence the disgruntled look)
Family photo time. Not sure why he thought we needed to hold him. All of a sudden he was jumping in our arms! Hillarious!
At the MTC!!!!!!! He's really there!
Hip Hip Hooray! I'm finally here!
On the legendary corner. Too bad they took down the MTC signs. Bummer. 4 sisters, 1 brother and a couple of parents.
Dad and Mom...looking a little teary.
Jen and her favorite little brother.
A Dad and his only boy.Tam
Baby Sister with Baby Brother.
Oh I love this boy! I am so going to miss having him around.
A little good luck rub for baby Lovell. The only physical contact he'll have until this kid is 2!
Super sweet. Mom is going to miss him so much but we are SO thankful he is going and not staying home. Truly a bittersweet moment.

One last photo in Utah from us! Good luck Bro...we love you!
Pulling up to station #25. Unload that luggage! Funny that the guy with the broken arm took the heaviest suitcase.
Good bye!
And he's gone.

And Jen is finally weepy after this awesome day. The tears just waited until tonight. I'm not even all that sad just teary and excited to get some weekly news and see what's going on and experience this adventure vicariously through Matthew.


  1. Where is the picture of Matthew and Me, I thought he had four sisters?

  2. I had to rearrange so many pictures so I think it might have got deleted. I also lost the IHOP pictures which is why I had to make another post about it later. Sorry, I just added it. Please be was like 1a.m. when I tried to do it all through a few tears.

  3. I understand, just thought it was strange!

  4. That's my buddy :)
