Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012 - Hey family, How are you guys :)

Hey family, How are you guys :) Well, this week has flowwwwnnnn past. Really, it’s been a crazy week. Tuesday we went to a leadership meeting and then Wednesday we had district meeting. Thursday was normal, haha, then Friday we went to Guayaquil again for interviews of all of our zone. It really beats you up to have to travel a lot. I feel dead today. I hope that I can take a nap later on but I doubt I’ll be able to because my bado is so use to the sleepless schedule that we live. Oh well, Apolo is pretty much dead. Really I hope I’m not here too long to tell the truth. There is just so much iniquity here and the people are so deep in sin it’s impossible to touch them with the spirit. I had a scary experience this week. We were talking to a lady that owns a little shop and a drunk came to her shop. I always like to give drunks the word of wisdom pamphlet, so I tried giving it to him and he started spilling everything out of his soul about how his wife went off with another guy and how he doesn’t have money to feed his kids. He told me he was going to kill his wife….it scared me pretty good because he did have a gun. But he will chill with me and he kept asking me what I would do in his situation. I told him I would search out God to better my life but he just kept telling me how he was going to go shoot his wife. It really disturbed me for the rest of the night but I don’t know if he did it or not because after talking to him, he finally took the pamphlet. I told him to go home and think it through. He said he would but I don’t know…he just walked off after that. I can’t believe the mentality of people here. I don’t know! I’m sure there are people like this all over the world. I feel so bad for them. This sector has really opened my eyes to so much more than I’ve ever seen before. What a great experience though to teach me. I don’t feel fear in the streets and I don’t feel nervous. I really feel a great peace that God will protect us and I feel calm. I just say hi to the creepy people with a smile on my face and it lifts their angry faces. They just make a joke or something about the gringo and try to say something in English to me. It’s really fun to see the peoples expressions change. I am so happy out here and know that God protects us when we are being obedient. It’s crazy to see my attitude change and how I can just focus myself but I can see some attributes coming out of me when I focus. It’s kinda funny because when I’m focused I can see myself acting like Kirby Rhodes, (I love that guy) Don’t worry it’s not that extreme but I hope that this mission will prepare me to be a good boss one day when I have a shop. Oh boy, well I gotta go. I love you all so much. Love, Elder Profaizer Dearest Sar-bear I sure miss you so much. I hope that you have gotten my letters. It’s an envelope with 6 letters or something like that in it. I love you so much. I can’t wait to hear from you.

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